Anthony D'Juan is a Sacramento, California playwright/director who has been active since 1996. He served as assistant & protégé to Ed Claudio from 1997-2005. Playwriting credits include THEORY OF THE DREAM, SAFE AT HOME: THE JACKIE ROBINSON STORY, KEEPING THE DREAM ALIVE, MEN IN RIFFS, 3: BLACK GIRL BLUES (with Danielle Mone’ Truitt), THIS IS HOW IT HAPPENED, THE PURVEYORS, US & THE REST OF ‘EM, BIRDMOCKING and ANY’PERSON. Directing credits include SUBURBIA, OTHELLO, FIVE WOMEN WEARING THE SAME DRESS, A CLOCKWORK ORANGE (THE MUSICAL), ENDGAME (Best Drama, 2004), BASH, OUR TOWN, THE SEAGULL, THE DUMB WAITER, A TIGER WITHOUT MERCY (world premier), BOOTYCANDY & SKELTON CREW (both at Big Idea Theater), THE MOUNTAINTOP, PASS OVER & THE ROYALE (all three at Capital Stage), TOPDOG/UNDERDOG & DIRECT FROM DEATH ROW: THE SCOTTSBORO BOYS (both at Celebration Arts Theater) and 3: BLACK GIRL BLUES (the Sophia, Home of B Street Theater).